“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~ Rumi
I was reading about a Frenchman, Alain Roberts (aka “Spiderman”) recently who is a famous free hand climber. This guy can scale a tall building with bare hands like he is taking a brisk walk in a park. And for sure scaling buildings is not to many people’s fancy – nor heights in general for that matter, but one thing is clear, Alain’s passion for the climb, the challenge and indeed, his personal power is alive, not subjugated. He is therefore, an inspiring example of what can be achieved with the right mind-set i.e., not allowing nor accepting… limitation.
As we know there are millions of people individually and collectively in any given moment bringing incredible inspiration to others through new ideas, visions, projects, solutions, art, architecture, garden designs, etc that display the boundless creativity of humanity.
Recently I read about a young girl of around 14 who, whilst being in lockdown in the UK, decided to set up camp in her mum’s art studio and began to paint. And she painted a portrait of one of her neighbour’s. In the painting he is wearing a workman’s high visibility jacket – she captured his facial features with the ability of a seasoned artist. And she won an award for this beautiful painting. So often it is a case of get the mind out of the way, and allow yourself to try things out. And here you will discover an inner power that helps you create whatever it is you wish to bring to the outer – to bring forth into manifestation.
If you feel your personal power is dormant, or suppressed, or inhibited, look to others for inspiration. They are easy to find whether close to your family/work environment or further afield. These are the people who can be the shining example to you of what can come forth from the golden chamber of creativity within you – that is indeed, limitless.
“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~ Rumi
In the movie Unbroken, there is a scene where the main character of the film Louis “Louie” Zamperini is stranded in a life raft with two other soldiers drifting in the Pacific ocean. They are in a life raft for many, many days, and face several life-threatening scenarios as the days/weeks pass by – outside of the lack of food and water. Zamperini and one other fellow solider survived for 47 days in this life raft.
Indeed this is an extreme example of suffering and adversity – however, the point of the story in this instance is the display of how strong these two men were mentally in such circumstances.
Allowing yourself to truly see the beauty of who you are and your gifts is when you really start to experience all of the bliss that your life can be. ~ Kuan Yin
And you cannot have a strong, focused mind without inner strength. How do you create inner strength – through being Present for one. Holding the mind in Present time – in the Now. And clearly in Zamperini’s case, he would have had to literally take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, sometimes, one minute at a time, to maintain his hold. Prayer in that extreme instance was for him, a probable saviour.
I mention that story as an example of how strong the mind can be in highly stressful circumstances and as an observation of perspective.