J Summers
My young daughter was becoming unreasonable and defiant and Leah suggested bringing her to try out guided meditation. After a few sessions with Leah my daughter is now becoming more focused and happy, and our relationship is improving. Thank you.
"Thank you for your insights. I feel confident now to take steps forward as I now have clarity with what are the best decisions for me."
Halina Davies
I received a healing chakra session with Leah which left me feeling very calm, and peaceful. I was very tense when I arrived for the appointment due to stresses in my life and not knowing what a chakra session "did" thought I would just go with it without wanting my mind to think or analysis how I would be helped. The session was just what I needed! Thank you.
Anika S
Leah was recommended to me by a friend as I felt as my life was just drifting. After a few sessions I began to feel more secure about myself as I was guided with the steps that were best to help me. So as I explored the direction I was given, and began to let go of being so fearful and confused, my life is turning around. I am very grateful for Leah's help.
Lynda - Craniosacral Therapy Sessions
I have a long standing health issue, and having craniosacral therapy with Leah has been the most effective and beneficial form of healing treatment for this time of my health. Leah has an abundance knowledge, an innate skill of sensing what is needed. I am grateful for having met Leah and to have undergone treatments with her. My health and state of being has improved immensely.
Hi Leah, just a BIG thank you for the workshop yesterday, it was done with such Love and insight. Blessings and Peace be with you.
Robyn Green
Leah provided a very welcoming and safe environment for us to openly explore our learning around ‘Empowering the Heart’. I found this seminar to be empowering and thought-provoking. Today provided me with many light-bulb moments and a deeper awareness of how better to serve myself before I can serve others. I am Light. Thanks so much for a valuable day.
J Bates
Leah has profound insight into the human condition, combined with her spiritual knowledge, she is in a great position to guide others along the enlightened path and she has a sense of humour – fantastic!
Leah, thanks for your dedication to us. Your support is extremely helpful and you have so much faith in us and our spiritual growth. The week-ends been great. I feel very relaxed and peaceful.
K Smith
While on a visit to Auckland recently I was recommended to see Leah Hemming. I found Leah to have an extensive knowledge of how to work with the ‘higher self’ and where the nature of our belief systems play out fears and doubts that feel so real they can trick us into feeling limited and empty. She has incredible insight and wisdom, and I would recommend anyone who wants to ‘ awaken’ or has a sense of something far greater in mind for their life’s purpose to embrace the wisdom that Leah has to offer. I know that she can help you find the peace, love and happiness you deserve!
Business Marketing Manager – Auckland/NZ
Just a short note to thank you for a very helpful and enlightening evening. I was able to envision for once rather than imagine. I now have the framework to fully re-charge and I have achieved a focus already.
IT Consultant – New Zealand
I found the spiritual counselling sessions I had with Leah to be grounding and practical. They gave me the focus and tools which I needed to bring my life into balance. I am grateful to have received the support and guidance from Leah, she is a gifted woman.
Leah helped me get back on track at a time in my life when I was off my path. I felt very comfortable with her and think her insight is amazing. She offered me the support and guidance I needed to swim with the tide rather than against it. My spirit is recharged and I feel revitalised. Thank you for your help Leah